The Ilkley Fountain

The Ilkley Fountain

The Ilkley Fountain is a gravity-feed fountain made in the 1860s. Since the 1950s it has been in disrepair, and in 2022 a local charity set out to restore it. Now moorland water tumbles down Mill Ghyll, flows fleetingly through the fountain once again, back into the...


The starting point for my work for S T I L L with artist Alice Fox at the Tinker Gallery were calligraphic neumes, the earliest form of Western and Eastern musical notation. The way in which the pieces emerged from this starting point was shaped by how Alice and I...
Ilkley Fountain maquette

Ilkley Fountain maquette

This maquette is a 1:5 scale model of the Ilkley Fountain, due to be fabricated and installed in the coming months. This project is run by Improving Ilkley. An edition of the model has been available to help Improving Ilkley raise the required funds for the fountain...
2024: Sand Martin mobiles

2024: Sand Martin mobiles

Over the past couple of springs and summers I have spent a lot of time watching the tiny sand martins which travel the long journey from Africa to nest in the banks of the River Wharfe near where we live. Sand martins (taxonomic name Riparia riparia) are the smallest...
2023: Oak leaf Wordsworth pieces

2023: Oak leaf Wordsworth pieces

“Come forth into the light of things,Let Nature be your teacher.” From The Tables Turned by Wordsworth   After spending time at the Wordsworth Museum when planning and installing ‘Breath Water Marks’, we were moved to respond to the work...