The starting point for my work for S T I L L with artist Alice Fox at the Tinker Gallery were calligraphic neumes, the earliest form of Western and Eastern musical notation.
The way in which the pieces emerged from this starting point was shaped by how Alice and I have worked towards the exhibition, exchanging materials and responding to the processes which the other artist uses. My work became influenced by an elemental sense of time and transformation in Alice’s work.
Alice (@alicefoxartist) makes sculptural works, bringing together different natural materials which she has gathered to form tactile surfaces and structures. Her allotment is a source of materials and a space where she can experiment, exploring the potential of what grows there – both planted and wild.
I explored making pieces using bindweed given to me by Alice from her allotment. The bindweed had been picked and dried by her, then I soaked and shaped it again and balanced the dried forms into mobile sculptures. I like how the bindweed has a calligraphic nature to it and a sense of a fleeting ink drawing in space. I played with adding materials such as honesty and physalis seedheads to see how these nearly weightless objects influence the balance almost imperceptibly, creating visual nuances.
The titles for the mobiles have come from a poem: In campo aperto
Images by David Lindsay
For dimensions and prices, please contact Joanne Tinker at Tinker Gallery
Exhibition runs 20th June – 10th August (Thursday – Saturday 10am – 4pm)