We are absolutely delighted to have been selected to create a large-scale mobile, A Murmuration of Starlings, for the reception atrium of the new Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care Hospital. It will be very exciting to be part of the project.
Starlings in flight move together, constantly adapting their shape and reforming. A murmuration of starlings is like a living sculpture in the sky. Within the flock, each individual starling is responsible for maintaining the whole by working extremely closely with those immediately around them.
We feel this is an excellent metaphor for how a hospital works and that a mobile, with its different parts moving harmoniously together, is the ideal artform through which to express this.
We will work with children from a local secondary school to find abstract lines within their own drawings of birds. These lines will form the basis for the shapes of the mobile and the drawings will be exhibited next to the sculpture itself. The sculpture will be installed in Spring 2015.
Please read more about the hospital at: about-northumbria-specialist-emergency-care-hospital